Are We Living in a Computer-Simulated Universe and Are There Other Universes?
Answered in light of the spiritual sciences dispensed by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.
‘Mr Younus, Elon Musk said that there is a chance that we are living in a computer simulation. Are we? And are there multiple universes?’ — Mir Shahmir
It is a very delicate point. The world or the universe itself is not simulated by a computer. However, with the help of computer science, we can do a lot of things.
In a sense, science and technology have advanced to a degree where you can do things which may appear to be a miracle.
For example, we now have test-tube babies. If a woman doesn’t want to marry or touch a man, but she wants a baby, [she can have it by in vitro fertilisation]. She could take sperm from a donor, which could be injected into her body. This is what people can do today.
Science has advanced to a degree now where scientists are trying to outclass God.
It is a proven fact: even in the past, whenever — with the help of science, technology and whatever knowledge they had — human beings tried to interfere with the acts of God, God destroyed them.
There is a story about ancient Greek people in the Holy Book, The Religion of God (Divine Love). God commanded Gabriel to go and destroy them by flooding, so they quickly made walls of glass. They were saved because they were able to hear God. So then God asked Gabriel to destroy them by stoning. The glass was broken by the stones and they were destroyed.
You can’t play smart with God because he has all the power.
This intellect you have reflects God’s intelligence. So you may conclude that whatever you think, God will think along the same line. What you have in your head as intellect, it reflects the divine intellect.
People are now trying to interfere with God and his acts.
For example, let’s talk about cloning. The thing is, scientists can do anything, but what about the soul inside it? Obviously, as a result of that cloning process, there will be a living being identical [to the original], and that living being will definitely have terrestrial souls. However, there will not be any celestial souls, which will mean that the clone will not have the same level of intelligence as [the original has].* It will be deprived of emotions — hatred, love and everything else. What is the use of producing such a thing which is incapable of many human traits?
People are trying to be smarter than God, however they can never be. God is a genius as compared to us. We think he is a genius because he can do things we cannot. It is not possible for someone created by God to be [smarter than him]; if you were created by God, God would not give you the same level of intelligence he possesses himself. If somebody has more intelligence than God has, then that somebody must be from the Unseen World.
The way His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi reveals secrets pertaining to the creation of this universe, to the creation of humankind, to the different species of Adam, to the different levels of intellectuality and to the different levels of spirituality — it is mind-boggling.
Revealing upon human beings what has been kept hidden by God and then declaring them to be the most obscure secrets of God — this can only come from HDE Gohar Shahi.
By far, HDE Gohar Shahi has exhibited through His acts and practice of love that whatever level of intelligence He has exhibited is far greater than the core intelligence of God.
This universe is simulated by a computer to a certain degree. But if you become divine and enlightened, you move your fingers and you will move mountains.
Forget about computer simulation. When you become a humble servant of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, then you will simulate the world with your finger.
Multiple Universes
For the sake of answering your question, I will say, ‘Yes there are many different types of universe.’ But then again, you’re not able to practically go and witness it, so what is the point in discussing it? Unless you’re planning to apply to HDE Gohar Shahi to become His servant — because only then can you possibly witness existence of other types of universe.
We’re living on a single little planet, Earth, and we do not intend to explore every single planet that is floating in this universe. We have not been given the potential of migrating from one planet to another. Man set his foot on the Moon only after the Final Hour, when all the living beings on the Moon were destroyed by God. As long as people lived there, human beings who lived on this planet were not able to go and witness their counterparts [on the Moon].
We can only fly from Pakistan to India, India to Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka to America, Canada, Australia etc. We cannot possibly migrate from one planet to another, especially the planets which are currently inhabited by human beings like ourselves. The planet we are living on is not a secure place. Countries of this planet only think of their own safety. However [other] planets have been made secure but their inhabitants.
Migration from one universe to another is not physically possible for you. I am not saying that it is not physically possible at all; it is possible provided you have the means of travel and ability to switch from your type of oxygen to their type of oxygen. But you don’t have this facility and ability.
On this planet, water is made of two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen. Maybe [on another planet], there are three molecules hydrogen with oxygen which forms water. The chemical equation of our water is H2O; maybe on Mars, it is H3O.
It is interesting that the Sun is the ultimate source of hydrogen; the Sun is shining on the seas and rivers. Even then, the water does not absorb more than two molecules of hydrogen from the sun-rays. This is because the oxygen of this world has only two ports of radicals; maybe oxygen [of another planet] is different and has four ports of radicals.
This universe is vast and it is such a shame that you cannot travel. Some people are born in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan; they live all their lives in those countries and they die. There are still some people in India and Pakistan haven’t seen a train, let alone traveling in an airplane. We live in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, etc. even then, I never imagined myself traveling in a spaceship and going to the Moon.
Hopping into other universes is least possible even to imagine. However [things change] when you are a disciple of HDE Gohar Shahi. Firstly, you do not become a disciple by simply saying that you want to or [paying a fee].
You become HDE Gohar Shahi’s disciple when your soul is infused with HDE Gohar Shahi and you become a citizen of the extra-celestial Unseen World. That is the culmination of all that exists. When you reach the culmination of all that exists today, then migrating from one universe to another is child’s play.
When you reach the culmination of the farthest place that can exist — something you can’t even imagine — then migration from one universe to another is not a problem. Right now, you are caged by gravitational force. As a result of gravity, you can’t go anywhere. Speed is the resistance against gravity. You apply force and power; then you [move]. What happens when you go into space? There is no gravity; [so if] you don’t apply force, you just float.
Let me just end it on this note: it is possible to simulate the universe partially with the help of a [scientifically advanced] computer, but it would not be a full throttle simulation. Secondly, there are different types of universe — but then, seeing is believing. I can tell you many things, but if you’re not able to witness it, it is like fiction to you.
If you become worthy spiritually, you can travel from one universe to another. However, do not forget: the Quran has mentioned that whatever is between the skies and earth belongs to God; so God is only talking about this universe. It will [probably] never happen — but for the sake of answering your question, if you happen to set your foot in another universe, do not forget that that universe has a different creator.
Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of India, not the entire world. The United Kingdom has a different Prime Minister. When you go to Canada, they have a different Prime Minister. When you set your foot in another universe, you’ll have to find out who its creator is.
There are different types of universe but all these different planets in this universe were created by God. Quran 4:131 states, ‘To God belongs whatever is between the land and skies.’ This is about this particular universe that we are living in.
*According to the teachings of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, a human being is a compound creature made up of multiple spirits. The body is made of terrestrial souls which are responsible for things like its growth and appearance. The terrestrial souls have nothing to do with the higher realms.
What makes humanity different from animals is the presence of the celestial souls in them, which bring in them human emotions and sense. The celestial souls are what give man the potential to discover divinity. Learn all about the celestial spirits in The Religion of God (Divine Love) by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.
Read more from Younus AlGohar on his personal website. He answers questions from viewers live on AlRa TV every day starting at 10:00 PM GMT.