‘Brown People and Jews Are the Scum of the Planet’ — According to a White Supremacist
Comments like these have become alarmingly frequent in recent days. How do we stop the hate preaching?
Recently, someone commented on live video of Younus AlGohar, saying, ‘Brown people and Jews are the scum of the planet.’ The following is his response.
It is very unfortunate that with the rise of terrorism, we see a rise in white supremacy. This is why this gentleman said this in the conference. Whether you are good or bad is not dependant on the colour of your skin and your religious or ethnic background. A bad person is a bad person — he may have brown, black, white, yellow, blue or any other skin colour.
It is not the skin that will make you good or bad. It is not the religion that you practise that will make you good or bad. It is who you are. If you are good, any religion will polish you and bring the best out of your goodness. If you are bad, very unfortunately, any religion will bring the worst out of you.
Religions do not give you goodness. You are born with goodness and you are born with ugliness. Religions are only good for good people. It is a very off-the-track ideology which is not often talked about. However, if you really have power and you also have the knowledge of Primordial Times (knowledge pertaining to the origins of the soul), then probably, you will come to know that good people who were designed to be good by God will remain to be good — with or without a religion.
We have seen it. Religions cannot take the credit of turning a man into a good person. A good person is always good. If a good person adopts a religion, he will become a good religious person — but then again, he was already good without the religion. Having adopted a religion, the credit for being good will now be deviated from you to the religion.
Who Made Us Good or Bad?
It is God who has designed some people to be good and others to be bad. He is the producer. The central idea of the entire humanity and what humanity will do in this world was conceived by God himself. If the credit of you being good can go to somebody, that somebody is God. Whether you are good or bad, God is responsible for this.
Nobody, if given a choice, wants to be bad. Everybody wants to be a hero. Nobody wants to be a villain.
Those who think that ‘Jews and brown-skinned people are the scum of the planet,’ live in fool’s paradise.
The wave of terrorism spreading like wildfire throughout the world is not new. Innocent, peace-loving people have historically been subjected to unreasonable carnage, slaughter and organised butchery of humankind.
If you go just 300–400 years back in history, you will find out that there were the Crusaders who were doing the same thing [as Islamist terrorists]. Spain was the main seat of those Crusaders.
When you become a rigid religious person, civility from your character diminishes.
You are unable to appreciate others and their goodness. You are unable to give them space. This is what happens when you go too far into a religion. You stretch that religiosity and cross the line that God has fixed. When you go over the limits, you are actually transgressing the laws of God.
The Solution to All Forms of Terrorism
Now in this ultra-modern contemporary era, what we need is not a religion. We do not need Judaism, Islam, Christianity etc. What we need is love and peace.
Individuals who attribute terrorism to the basic principles of Islam and the Koran have fallen prey to disinformation against Islam. According to the core of the Koran, killing one innocent human being has been equated with killing the entire humanity.
But then again, Islam itself has been hijacked, malpractised and misconceived. This is why Islam is now malfunctioning. Islam has lost its spirit, as a result of which Islam has now become null and void of spirituality. Without spirituality, a religion is like a man without a soul. If the soul or the spirit leaves your body, you are good for nothing — either you are cremated or buried. This is exactly what has happened to the religions. Every religion has been deprived of its spirit and the knowledge of spirituality which is why they are not dispensing love and peace.
There is nothing wrong with brown skin. Jesus and Abraham had brown skin; Moses had dark brown skin. All these prophets were from Asia. What are you taking pride in — being white? Religiously, you are gravely mistaken, my friend. None of these prophets and messengers were white — but then again, I am not taking pride in being brown simply because these prophets were brown.
The matter of pride is your connection with these holy dignitaries. If you are able to connect with God, Jesus or Abraham then you are good to go. To say that brown people and Jews are scum — is to hate preach. It is not good.
Terrorism has different forms, such as social terrorism, religious terrorism and monetary terrorism. Terrorism is anything that can still fear in your heart and your ability to manoeuvre and progress in life is affected. As result of that fear in your heart, you are not able to perform well either in business, social circles or religious circles.
Terrorism is not to kill people, it is to instill fear.
For example, if your wife becomes unreasonable and asks you, ‘Why are you standing by the window?’ You might be there for fresh air, but she says, ‘A lot of girls come by. Do you look at them?’ The next day you stand in the window, and again your wife asks, ‘Why are you standing there?’ If you are repeatedly told not to stand by the window, even if you are genuinely standing for fresh air, a type of fear will be instilled in your heart. The next time, you want to stand by the window, you will hesitate. This is called domestic terrorism.
So every single person in this world is subjected to some sort of terrorism.
So many times it is said in the Bible, Koran and other celestial books that if you do certain things, you will burn in hellfire. The entire system is based on spreading fear and terror. The reason why most people today go to the church, temple or mosque is not that they are seeking God. It is the terror which drives them out of their homes and sends them to the worship places. The very thought of burning in hellfire is a form of terror.
The world needs love and hope. Hope is the only solution to the widespread terror and fear. When the Bible and Koran mention glad-tidings, you fail to understand it has been referred to mean hope.
‘Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always to be blest.’ — Alexander Pope
It is in the nature of man not to rely on the glad-tidings that come from God. No matter how many times you are told that you will enter paradise, you know what the story is.
But now, the Master of Hope, the Universal Teacher of Love, the Universal Planner of Peace has descended on Earth with unimaginable strength and power. Let’s turn to love rather than being called Muslims, Christians, Jews and Hindus.
Let’s unite with the bond of love. If the bond of love is established between hearts, peace will follow love. Wherever there is love, peace is not far behind. Peace is love’s wife.
You’ve been told wrong when you were told that where there is love, there are altercations. Love is enormously generous and forgiving. In love, you do not take revenge. You develop the tendency to forgive and forget — but the thing is, everything is fake in this world these days. Love is fake, peace is fake. Religions have become fake.
You need genuine love — then you will see genuine peace.
This was a transcript of an impromptu speech by Younus AlGohar on YouTube. Younus AlGohar is the CEO of Messiah Foundation International. Read more of his work on his website. He also answers questions from viewers live on AlRa TV every day starting at 10:00 PM UK Time.