Imposters Among Us
Do not fall for the false missionaries. Be vigilant. Focus on your purpose in life.
If the secrets of God are like a helicopter, your heart is the helipad.
The purpose of our life is undoubtedly to find God and obtain union with God.
Learn to love God. Find the truth. That’s the purpose of our life. But the question is how easy is it to find the truth?
While we are still searching for God, before we even find God, we already become very trustworthy individuals because there are many hurdles. These hurdles are deception and the inability to recognise the truth. Somehow or other it has never been easy to find the truth. There are negative forces around us. There are elements of deception around us. They apparently claim to help us find God. Who knows how genuine they are?
People who know nothing about the truth but assume they know the truth steer others in the same [misguided] direction.
Had it been easy to find God, everybody at the time of Jesus would have become a Beloved of God. The number of miracles that Jesus worked is overwhelming. What he did was unprecedented in entire human history. No Messenger of God was able to do what Jesus had done. Yet it wasn’t easy for people to either associate with Lord Jesus Christ or follow him.
Whenever there was a Messenger from God, there were problems. No Messenger of God was easily accepted by people of his time. Opposition was always very fierce and people who wanted to align their hearts with the truth were troubled. They were threatened, persecuted and sometimes even killed. They did not leave any stone unturned in trying to kill Jesus. They had already beheaded John the Baptist, and of course, his father, Zachariah, was also killed.
His Holiness Gohar Shahi undoubtedly is the messenger of love and truth. The message of His Holiness Gohar Shahi is so fascinating to every single human soul that it appears as if they will have no difficulty in accepting the truth. However, like it has been the pattern for the past many, many centuries, there were false preachers, like false prophets, who said they represented His Holiness Gohar Shahi but they are totally detached from the teachings of His Holiness Gohar Shahi.
The problem is a majority of human beings have no spiritual insight, therefore, they rely on what they hear from others. If somebody says, ‘I believe in God’, they believe him, not knowing that the sugar-coated words that these people use are in order to lure people into their fabrications.
His Holiness Gohar Shahi’s message is now getting across nations and we are calling the world through love.
If somebody opens an ice cream shop and does well then the trend is that many people will want to open an ice cream shop because they see that person is making money and their business is booming. Similarly, when people see that the Universal Sufi Order is now reaching out to every single religion in the world and people are entering into the folds of the Universal Sufi Order’s message, they think all these people have flocked around Universal Sufi Order, it must have been easy! We will also say the same kind of stuff that these lots are saying and we will have some followers, who will obviously take care of our bellies and fill up our pockets.
So, a lot of imposters are operating. Therefore, everybody who is associating with us should be very careful because it is a very responsible job to represent His Holiness Gohar Shahi. Number two, who will represent His Holiness Gohar Shahi or who will represent Lord Jesus Christ is not by choice, it is by their appointment.
You cannot simply decide to represent somebody sent by God. You can represent any Tom, Dick and Harry and you will get away with it but to represent somebody who has been divinely ordained, this representation must have an endorsement either from the one who has been appointed by God or by God himself.
So, all I want to say to you is to remain vigilant and do not fall for false missionaries. Do not fall for those who have double standards and some hidden agendas in their heart. It’s very easy to change your wallpaper on your social media ID and affix His Holiness Gohar Shahi’s picture to give people an impression that you belong to His Holiness Gohar Shahi.
Some people will come and tell you that they know more secretive knowledge. Do not fall for such people. Whoever they are. Why? Because His Holiness Gohar Shahi has mentioned all the secrets of God in His book and we firmly believe nobody knows about God more than HDE Gohar Shahi does.
If someone thinks they know more secrets about God, it simply means their heart is corrupted. Some people are hypnotised by their own carnal desires. Some people just want to be worshipped. Some people have this huge appetite for being respected and being known as famous Spiritual Masters who know more secrets.
Always remember: it’s not about secrets. It’s about you. How pure you can be. If you cannot become pure the secrets of God are not for you.
Even if you manage to obtain some of the secrets of God, and you are still impure in the heart, those secrets will not help you.
So, more important to you than any secret of God is your own secret and that is: who are you? Are you pure enough?
The moment your heart is purified, the secrets of God will follow your heart. You don’t have to go anywhere to look for the divine secrets.
If the secrets of God are like a helicopter, your heart is a helipad. Your heart is the place where all the secrets will descend upon.
Do not ache for knowing secrets. Work on yourself. Become purified.
Younus AlGohar is the CEO of the Universal Sufi Order. Read more of his work on his website. He also answers questions from viewers live on ALRA TV every day starting at 10:30 PM GMT.
Learn more about spirituality through His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s comprehensive book, The Religion of God (Divine Love).